You have a mission to Consciously Conceive into a deeply trusting Pregnancy. You are ready to unit by accessing your ways into Spirit Baby Communication, which is an instinctual and sacred experience. The connection lives within everyone.  You are here to Remember it.

The New Earth Children are asking you to show up and own your power, release weaknesses, and align with your co-creative energy into the true Frequency of you that involves Love.

Let the journey find you and know it is your time of great expansion. You are the leader to your inner guidance. You are entering healing and parenting in a new and evolved way forward. Thank you for stepping up!
— Kelly Meehan


Kelly speaks the language of energy with calm and ease and brings change and solace to the active mind; All with a purpose to prepare you for your deepest love relationship of your life that will undoubtedly transform who you are.

Her service to humanity supports thousands through vibrational conversations around the world with messages for the heart and spirit, all about New Earth Children, Energy Medicine, & Medical Intuition with more ways to support a new consciousness to live one’s best life.


One day, I was sitting by my mountainside in my healing room, and I thought to myself that I should create a podcast and call it SPIRIT BABY RADIO. I took out a notebook and I instantly came up with 50 episode ideas. 

On April 2023, Spirit Baby Radio just celebrated its 7 year birthday.  It will continue to share conversations between myself and other leading guest experts that want to heal the planet for our children. 

Downloads are available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, YouTube, and more!